Tag Archives: KnowledgeIsPower

Mary Church Terrell, Transportation & Education

Devoting her life to racial uplift, Mary Church Terrell exemplified what she called being a “black club woman.” The rise of other black clubwomen occurred as middle class African Americans grew tired of the oppression placed upon them by Jim Crow laws. Through education and activism, these women sought to fight for social reform. In “What Role is the Educated Colored Woman to Play” (1902), Terrell dictates the primary focus of black clubwomen. She states:

“Carefully and conscientiously, we shall study the questions, which affect race most deeply directly… we shall protest with such force of logic and intensity of the soul that those who oppress us will either cease to disavow the inalienability and equality of equality of human rights…”

Through Terrell’s writing, we see characters who embody the values that black clubwomen exemplify. In her story “Betsy’s Borrowed Baby,” Betsy travels via the trains Jim Crow car, and is assaulted by a white man during the trip. After rebutting him, the conductor (who would be seen as an authoritative figure, protective) claims that the man was only joking, stating “Why, you’re a regular Mrs. Jack Johnson,” “He just wanted to see what kind of stuff you were made of” (Terrell, 49)  Through this, the conductor not only plays off the man’s remarks but also likens Betsy to the famous boxer Jack Johnson, noted for his interracial relationships and boxing prowess. I found this comparison interesting, as I believe its implications are twofold. On one hand, Betsy’s fending off of her assaulter is alike to the way Jack Johnson fights off his opponents. On the other hand, while Johnson fights for sport, Betsy is fighting for her personal safety and possibly for her life. Also in this comparison, I feel as if the conductor is removing Betsy’s agency in defending herself. Claiming that defending herself is acting like Jack Johnson makes her actions seem less like her own, and more like placing her in the shadow of a man, removing her agency as a black woman.

The writing on transportation made me think of the Freedom Rider attacks in 1961. The attacks came as a result of many things, one of which was the landmark Supreme Court case Plessy V. Ferguson (1896). The Freedom Rides were interracial bus rides through the American south, in the height of racial segregation. The presence of the Ku Klux Klan throughout the south posed as one of the many horrific dangers faced by the riders, as well as non-Klan members who still demonstrated violence against those seeking to challenge segregation.

Freedom Riders beaten by white people in Birmingham.

In the modern day, what Terrell’s work reflected to me was the recent problem posed in Florida regarding the AP African American studies course that was banned from being taught in schools, with the Department of Education citing that the course teaches Critical Race Theory and would introduce students to a political agenda. According to Christopher Tinson, chair of the African American Studies department at SLU, the course includes “nothing particularly ideological about the course except that we value the experiences of African people in the United States.” (https://www.npr.org/2023/01/22/1150259944/florida-rejects-ap-class-african-american-studies)  The rejection of this course directly contradicts the goals of Terrell’s black clubwomen, all these decades later. It is clear that while progress has been made in hopes of challenging the oppression of racial segregation, there is still so much left to be challenged. Learning and understanding the history of African Americans in the United States would be essential in the eyes of Terrell and all of black society.

Small & Insignificant: So, they say…

Rarely acknowledged as anything then a trophy.

Throughout generations men have historically been written about as the protagonists. Harriet Jacobs in the “Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl”, brings her story to life. In the Preface, Jacobs’ voice is meek and gentle to readers. It almost seems as if she desires to make herself unknown and unheard.

I have not written my experiences in order to attract attention to myself; on the contrary, it would have been more pleasant to me to have been silent about my own history. Neither do I care to excite sympathy for my own sufferings. But I do earnestly desire to arouse the women of the North to a realizing sense of the condition of two millions of women at the South, still in bondage, suffering what I suffered, and most of them far worse. I want to add my testimony to that of abler pens to convince the people of the Free States what Slavery really is. Only by experience can any one realize how deep, and dark, and foul is that pit of abominations. May the blessing of God rest on this imperfect effort in behalf of my persecuted people! (Harriet Jacobs i)

Sydney Sherow Celestin performs in ‘Harriet Jacobs,’ the regional premiere of a play by Lydia R. Diamond presented by African American Repertory Theater at KD Studio Theater on June 9, 2016 in Dallas. (Ting Shen/The Dallas Morning News)

How many times do women do this? How many times do we make ourselves small? We minimize our actions or reactions because it would be deemed an overreaction. She’s going crazy. Or it must be that time of the month? Or why are women so emotional? Harriet Jacobs understood this well; she was a slave, when she was free, she dedicated her life to her children and work and was left with “no time for leisures”. Jacob escapes slavery and on the off chance she had time she would write her story down. Even in today’s world women specifically of color prioritize others over themselves. How many times in my life did I see my own mother do it with my brother and I. We would have brand new school uniforms every year and she would wear hand me downs. It is as if we are expected not to desire above our social status. Jacobs was expected to conform to her social standing as a former slave and as a black woman. Society expected her to be docile as a black woman to be silent like she did not exist. Jacobs tries to break through the societal norms by publishing her story, but despite this she must assume another identity; Linda Brent so as not be discovered. 

Who is our Linda Brent? Who is that inner woman, that most females choose to lock up because they fear the social put downs. 

“Behind Every Great Man is A Great Women!”

Einstein with his first wife, Mileva. Universal History Archive/Universal Images Group/Getty Images

According to “The Knowledge”, Einstein married a fellow physics student, Mileva Maric. “At school Mileva was more of an academic superstar than Albert.” When Einstein told his mother he wanted to marry Mileva, she replied: “Like you, she is a book. But you ought to have a wife.”

Yet Mileva was instrumental in his success. She proofread his work and tweaked his calculations. She also did his laundry and raised his children. “When they were apart, he sent her a sketch of his foot so she could knit him a pair of socks.” She didn’t get much back.

International Women’s Day greeting banner. Abstract woman portrait different nationalities on floral linear background. Girl power, struggle for equality, feminism, sisterhood concept. Vector.

We have continued doing this throughout history.  Why do women choose time and time again to play the background, instead of coming to the forefront? Don’t women do this today? Don’t we hide our true potential because men in our lives will feel inferior, fathers, brothers, husbands? 

Women have been missing in action. We have the power to truly effect change, to change the course of time. If we look towards the Bible, in Genesis we see how through Eve and her persuasion sin is introduced into humanity. 

I propose that there is true freedom when women allow their truest selves to radiate through. Please understand this in no way diminishes the opposite sex but in fact encourages women to discover and set free their inner selves. 


The importance of education in Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Jacobs.

Imagine if Harriet Jacobs never learned how to read and write? The world would never get to know her story. At that time, slaves were not allowed to get an education. Harriet Jacobs learned how to read and write from her mistress. In the Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl paragraph 6, it says, “As a child, I loved my mistress;…… While I was with her, she taught me to read and spell; and for this privilege, which so rarely falls to the lot of a slave, I bless her memory.” (Chapter 1 “Childhood”, Jacobs). She is grateful that she learned how to read and write because not a lot of people have that opportunity. Harriet Jacobs’ experience reminds me of the essay “Learning to Read and Write” by Frederick Douglas because he also went through similar experiences. He started to learn how to read and write from his mistress. In “Learning to Read and Write” Douglas said, “My mistress, who had kindly commenced to instruct, …..(paragraph 1, Douglas) shows that his mistress started to educate him. Education was banned for slaves. It was seen as a danger, because it would make them powerful. If a slave was caught reading they would be punished. The theme of education is really important for both Jacobs and Douglas. Without education they wouldn’t be able to inform the people in the north about slavery and the things that slaves had to experience and would not be able to spread the message to end slavery.



Learning to Read and Write by Frederick Douglass. He talked about how he learned how to read and write as a slave.


This episode of the popular animation series, Meena, focuses on the importance of education for girl children in south Asia. In many households, girls are relegated to household work and are not allowed to study, but education is essential for all girl children. Education allows girls to not only fulfill their developmental capacity, but to assist their families in many ways.

When I was a kid, I used to watch this cartoon on TV. In my country Bangladesh, not all children have the opportunity to go to school and get proper education for many reasons like financial issues. This episode of Meena shows the importance of Education in life. Meena is a girl who loves school. She wants to learn and make her parents proud. Because Meena goes to school she was able to help her parents with her knowledge. This cartoon made me realize how lucky I am that I get to go to school and learn.